
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

`The April Fool-ish

Daisy remembers her husband Richard today on April 1st 2012 and the prank he played 2 years ago on the same day. She feels a need for revenge and thinks over it. She smiles as an idea strikes her. Ok, its a little harsh but worth it. Immediately she reaches for the phone and calls her husband in Abu Dhabi.

Tring, Tring, Tring... click Richard picks the call

Richard: Hi sweet heart!!!

Daisy: I have to tell you something.

Richard: Yes?

Daisy: It is dreadful but i have to tell you.

Richard: Yes tell me. (Now sounding anxious)

Daisy: I am not sure how to tell you. ( pretends to sob).

Richard: Please Daisy tell me.

Daisy: Richard i know this would hurt you but for all these days you were in Abu Dhabi... well.... I ...since the time you have been in Abu Dhabi, i have fallen in love with your best friend William. Well, we have been having an affair for the last two months. (Giggles).

No response from Richard.

Daisy: Richard are you there? APRIL FOOL!!!..... Richard are you there? Richard i said April Fool?.... are you listening Richard. Richard?...

... and Richard was certainly not listening to Daisy as he had already `jumped off from his flat to die instantly.

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