
Monday, May 28, 2012

-Lapidoth the Cat-

I am cat and i am named Lapidoth of Bethleham. Fine, i am not a human being so what i am atleast 10 times more smarter than a human being. Do i have to work? no, i simply dont. All that i do is purr a little bit, meow a little bit, scratch the legs of my mistress and lo! and behold i have the choicest meal in my plate and foolish humans showering me with all love. Nobody disturbs me when i am asleep asking me stupid questions like why do i not go out on such a fine day. I always sleep snuggly in any place warm, be it the old run down gift box in the corner or amidst hard cover books of my master bearing some stupid names such as Franz kafka, Edgar Allan Poe, Jean-Paul Sartre, well i dont care who these people are or what have they done to this world

Every wednesday exactly at five in the evening,our house is visited by a gentleman carrying a bag of oranges. I am unsure why he always has to bring Oranges. He always takes the chair by the corner and starts to endlessly speak about Sathya Baba the Godman. Sathya Baba is re-incarnation of another godmen who is the re-incarnation of another godmanand the result is an endless chain of re-incarnations of several god man.

Ok so who is this baba? i am not sure. Well i have certainly seen him on TV. Certainly needs a hair cut. I have seen his so called miracles. He makes an banana appear from the sleeve of his robe. Why does not he solve the food crisis then. He spits gold bangles. Wow that should solve the endless miseries of all fathers wishing to give their daughters away with handsome gold. No, but the swamy probably does not think rational like i can. may be he just can perform these feats in front the the thousand assembled crowd. A third rate magician i should say he is.

So back to the old man. As he showers praises on the godman he seems to have an irritating habit of scratching his legs that emits white powder of his dead skin. Yuk, this man could make so much white flour in a day that a thousand flour mills would not over an entire week. He has just two remaining front teeth. Another well known incident that he recounts is how his daughter in law who was not able to concieve for 4 years was able to concieve after a week stay at the swami's ashram. Foolish man why cannot he understand what must have happened at the ashram. Another stay of his daughter in law at the ashram resulted in another pregmancy. Wow, what a miracle. His daughter in law must certainly be happy now.

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