The chaotic gang had upholded the dignity of its name i all respects. A bunch of not-so-good in academic excellence at the law college, broke all barriers of human decorum and plunged into the pleasure of anarchism, though nothing they did had serious repercussions in the laW of the land, yet they created a serious bedlam among the neighbourhood. Led by the Boar, a witty 17 year old coming from a conservative family with an intelligent sister in her final semester of Medicine Degree,who always despised all traditions and prided himself with a Kurt Cobain print t-shirt symbolizing his undying support for grunge and anarchism, the chaotic gang were involved in acts that would be shun by every law abiding citizens. From abusing substances and peddling them, putting their money down on all forms of street gambling, to spreading rumours at their college. One such rumour was that the Principal had a fetish watching young ladies urinating so much so that he had installed hidden cameras in the ladies washrooms. This rumour had serious consequences, girls in grip of fear of getting exposed would never visit the washroom and as result their health was greatly affected. Yet, the principal never realised this prank and gracefully (or maybe not so gracefully in the eyes of the fairer sex) retired the following month.
Another act that they greatly indulged in was the love for pornography. Every week, mostly wednesdays all the gang members would assemble at Boars house, usually at a time when his father was out for work, his mother attending the neighbourhood women's club meet and his sister away at her college. For three hours they watched all dirty movies ranging from several geographic locations from Canada, to latin american, from italian to fillipino. Several genres included from wild orgies to plain vanilla to sado-masochism to hidden footages. Among their favorite and the most rarely found were the footages involving young girls from their own small state. That was real action as they called it. Though they were just films made by amateur film makers which seriously lacked quality yet nonetheless it had a cult following and the few footages available had a great demand.
So on the fateful wednesday all members gather around the television set at the Boar's house with the Kitten, the youngest gang member of the Chaotic Gang, fidgetting the CD player whilst trying to play CD, Domingo, the video parlour guy had handed him promising a great show. The CD he said was about a non-descript state girl from some college, who wasnt great to look at but gave a splendid performance in the footage. The film starts and we see a run down barn nestled in a dense foliage of country. The scene changes and we see the inside of the farm and a lively girl fellating on her partner who comfortably enjoys every bit of it in the barn laden with hay.
Suddenly she looks at the camera and everyone in the Chaotic Gang turn scarlet red as they all in the flash of the moment stare at the Boar. Boar sits motionless at the sight, his face drained of all blood and rushes, in a fit of fury, towards the window of his apartment on the 6th floor. All he is thinking...."why did my sister had to do this".....
The grass was greener;
the light was brighter;
with friends surrounded;
the nights of wonder.
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